UTV Mechanic’s Mission

RZR4-6Welcome to UTV Mechanic!  This site was created to provide tutorials and how-to articles for UTV owners to solve simple and complex repair issues, avoiding the hassle of trailering their vehicles back to the dealer or ATV mechanic who may not even have extensive experience working on your vehicle.  We will also regularly post installation tutorials for some of the most popular parts and accessories on the market. Just click on your vehicle model to see the list of articles and tutorials complete with photos of the repair or installation process.  We will be creating a reader’s rides section soon, so if you would like your UTV featured on our website, email pictures and all modifications done to the vehicle to customer service@sbsparts.com.  You can also email us if there is a particular repair or installation that you would like to see a tutorial for. Thanks for visiting and let us know if there is an article that you would like to see on the site!